Brother Knights, Families, and Columbian Dignitaries,

The Knights of Columbus reminds us that we are not an order of just one man working alone in pursuit of his own goal. Instead, we are an order bounded together in unity, over two million men and families strong, who work together to forward our collective goals - our collective ideals of charity, unity, fraternity, and patriotism. There is no better way to experience, to celebrate, and to honor all that is our beloved order than by attending a Supreme Convention.

Washington, DC is well-suited to welcome our Brother Knights, and most especially your families. Whether you’re interested in visiting the iconic and revered national monuments, making a pilgrimage to our Order’s national shrine dedicated to St. John Paul II, praying together at the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception, sampling a growing and diverse food scene, or perhaps just gathering together as family and friends - there is no better place to do all this than our shining city on a hill.

On behalf of the over 3,000 Knights of Columbus in the District of Columbia, we look forward to welcoming you and your families to our nation’s capital to celebrate together at the 143rd Supreme Convention!


The 143rd Supreme Convention Host Committee

Meet the Team

  • Timothy M. Saccoccia

    Past State Deputy

  • Christopher Pierno

    Past State Deputy

  • Nicholas S. C. Shields

    State Deputy

  • Brandon J. Brown

    Past State Deputy

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